
Infographic: Which Healthcare Program You Should Choose After Healthcare College

April 15, 2021

Medix College is the perfect place to develop the skills for a range of interesting careers, whether you want to work in an office, or as a hands-on healthcare professional. Students at our dedicated healthcare college learn essential theory needed to excel in their chosen field. We also recognize the need for students to apply their newly developed skills to the working environment, which is why our healthcare courses also include excellent practical training opportunities. Our graduates are well equipped to make an instant impact in the healthcare sector.

So, what program should you choose? There are so many great options available, so evaluate your own personal skills. Are you personable with excellent communication skills? Are you interested in working with numbers and files? Or would you like to offer caring support to those in need? No matter your interests, you’ll quickly find a healthcare program that suits you.

So, here’s a useful guide to help you choose the best career for you.

Which Healthcare Program Should You Choose?

Does the following sound like you?

  • Love spending time with people
  • Want to help those in need
  • Good communicator

Strong communicators should check out these great programs:

  • Community Service Worker

Help people of all ages resolve social and emotional issues

Common job tasks:

  • Interviewing and counselling clients
  • Intervening in crisis situations
  • Assisting clients through support and advocacy
  • Child Youth Addictions Worker

Work with adolescents, children, and families to address addiction problems

Common job tasks:

  • Supervise clients in group homes and halfway houses
    • Implement substance misuse treatment programs
    • Implement behaviour management programs

Did you know? 1.9 million people were working in the Canadian health care and social assistance sector in 2017.

  • Fitness Health Promotion

Educate clients on exercise and nutrition

Common job tasks:

  • Instruct clients on athletic activities and techniques
  • Design and deliver social/recreational programs
  • Lead group exercise sessions

Does the following sound like you?

  • Enjoy math
  • Good attention to detail
  • Like working in a team environment

Are you interested in technical healthcare careers?

  • Medical Lab Technician Assistant

Help process patient specimens

Common job tasks:

  • An important member of the lab team
  • Safely collect blood specimens
  • Perform electrocardiograms (ECGs)


  • Pharmacy Assistant

Perform essential duties in a pharmacy retail setting

Common job tasks:

  • Help fill prescriptions under the supervision of a pharmacist
  • Package and label pharmaceutical products
  • Maintain prescription records
  • Medical Office Administrator

Develop the skills to perform vital office duties

Common job tasks:

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Billing services to patients
  • Maintenance of medical data database

Did you know? 19,000 vacancies for medical administrative assistants are expected between 2017-2026, with just 17,700 new job seekers expected to be available to fill them.

Does the following sound like you?

  • Don’t want an office job
  • Enjoy helping others
  • Not squeamish

Start a hands-on career by choosing one of these rewarding programs:

  • Personal Support Worker

Provide essential assistance to clients

Common job tasks:

  • Prepare, cook, and serve meals
  • Provide personal care
  • Perform light housekeeping and cleaning
  • Intra Oral Dental Assistant

Help dentists in the treatment room and reception

Common job tasks

  • Educate patients about dental health
  • Provide chair support to the dentist
  • Perform reception and clerical duties
  • Massage Therapy

Help clients with muscle and joint pain

Common job tasks

  • Assess client need for therapy
  • Administer massage treatments
  • Help with conditions and injuries
  • Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Assistant

Work under the supervision of a physiotherapist and provide physical support

Common job tasks

  • Work in hospitals, physio clinics, and much more
  • Assist in patient lifts and support
  • Help physiotherapists provide clinical care for clients

Did you know: Job website, Monster, says employment growth in the healthcare sector is higher than average because of Canada’s aging population.



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