Healthcare in Canada is undergoing significant changes, largely thanks to our aging population. The healthcare sector is adapting to these changes in a number of ways, such as by digitalizing more services and focusing on home-based care. If you are interested in a career in healthcare, there are many exciting changes to look forward to.
Let’s take a look at three trends that are expected to have a major impact on Canadian healthcare.
An Aging Population Will Create Demand for Those With Career Training in Healthcare
Canada’s population is aging rapidly thanks to Baby Boomers entering their retirement years. In fact, 2017 was the first year in Canadian history that there were more Canadians over 65 than under 15. That aging population has driven a larger trend: high demand for healthcare jobs. In fact, healthcare and technology are the two sectors driving the most job growth in the overall Canadian economy. The demand for employees who have completed healthcare school also extends beyond traditional hospital and clinic jobs to related areas, like in home care, pharmacies, and dental offices.
Age-in-Place Care Will Drive More Demand for Home-based Healthcare Services
There has been a significant trend in recent years towards seniors wanting to continue living independently in their own homes rather than in a nursing home. A recent survey found that 85% of Canadians plan on aging at home, a trend that is usually referred to as age-in-place. The desire by more Canadians for age-in-place care will create its own set of unique opportunities and challenges. psw worker helping a patient
The desire to age in place will generate demand for home care workers
For example, many seniors’ homes will require modifications, like ramps, stair lifts, and grab bars to address potential mobility issues. Furthermore, the age-in-place trend will contribute to the demand for people with career training in healthcare, particularly for positions focused on home care, such as live-in caregivers and home care massage therapists.
Canadian Healthcare Will Increasingly Adopt Digital Tools at Hospitals and at Home
Healthcare has been increasingly digitalized in recent years, with electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, and e-bookings all becoming more commonplace. In 2016, for example, Humber River Hospital opened in Toronto as the first full-scale digital hospital in North America, providing online check-in for patients, automated guided vehicles delivering lunch trays, and medication-sorting robots. Real-time location devices worn by both staff and patients allow for the closest available staff member to address a patient in need while also enabling family members to track a patient’s progress through the hospital. Such technology may become more widely adopted by hospitals around Canada and the world.
health care workers looking at an xray
The digitalization of healthcare is likely to accelerate in the coming years
Other technologies that have yet to be widely adopted, such as virtual reality and e-prescriptions, could also significantly improve peoples’ experiences of the healthcare system. These technologies could let patients access many hospital services from the comfort of their homes, which would further enable them to age at home and avoid lengthy stays in the waiting room.
Are you interested in a career in healthcare?
Contact Medix College today to learn more about our healthcare courses!