Performance Indicators
Why should performance indicators matter to you?
At Medix College, we adhere to the Ontario government’s mandate regarding Key Performance Indicator (KPI) surveys, a practice established since 1998.
These surveys measure the extent to which our college fulfills the needs of our students, graduates, and hiring employers.
The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, in conjunction with Ontario Colleges, has identified five key measurements as the cornerstone performance indicators:
- Graduate Employment
- Graduate Satisfaction
- Employer Satisfaction
- Student Satisfaction
- Graduation Rate
These surveys play a pivotal role in enabling Medix College to uphold our commitment to delivering high-quality, innovative, and responsive education within a supportive and safe environment.
Specifically, the Graduate Employment and Graduate Satisfaction KPI data are garnered through the Graduate Satisfaction Survey, a comprehensive telephone survey conducted six months post-graduation by a third-party research consultant, Forum Research. This survey captures graduates’ employment experiences and their overall satisfaction with their educational journey at Medix.

As per the publication of Key Performance Indicators for the 2021 Reporting Cycle Reporting Cycle
OSAP Default Rates
Default rates are calculated based on the number of defaulted loans versus the total number of loans issued for students at the institution.
To view Medix College’s most recent rate, visit OSAP Default Rates.
What Our Students Say:
To hear from more of our students, visit Why Medix?