A career related to medical office administration is different than most other administration jobs. Because you’ll be working in a healthcare setting and likely interacting with patients, it’s important that you understand how you can do your part to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. That’s where aseptic techniques come in. Aseptic techniques are a standard healthcare practice that helps prevent the spread of bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms.
Learning about aseptic techniques is an important part of your medical office administration training. Let’s take a look at why aseptic technique is included in MOA training and how it can help keep you, your coworkers, and the patients you meet safe.
1. Healthcare-Associated Infections Are a Major Challenge for Healthcare Providers
The number-one reason aseptic techniques are important is because they help combat the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). HAIs are infections that happen in healthcare settings, such as in hospitals, clinics, retirement homes, and so on.
According to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI), each year about 228,000 Canadians suffer an HAI. Controlling the spread of HAIs is the responsibility of everyone who works or visits a healthcare setting, including doctors, surgeons, nurses, patients, families, and medical office assistants. You’ll learn more about infections and microorganism growth in your medical office administration course and why aseptic techniques are every healthcare worker’s first line of defence against the spread of HAIs.
2. Infections Cost Healthcare Systems and the Economy a Lot of Money
Not only are HAIs harmful to patient health, but they are also costly for both healthcare providers and they put unnecessary strain on the healthcare system. The CPSI, for example, also estimates that treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), one of the most common HAIs, costs an extra $12,216 per patient. That’s because HAIs lead to longer hospital stays, more expensive treatments, extra surveillance, and special control measures.
This also has a domino effect since the more healthcare resources that get diverted to treating HAIs, the less is available for everyone else. For example, since a patient with an HAI may require a longer stay in hospital, that means there is one less hospital bed available for other patients. As a result, practicing aseptic techniques can help combat these costs to the healthcare system. So, the aseptic techniques you’ll learn can help you do your part in improving the overall quality of healthcare in Canada.
Combating HAIs with aseptic techniques can help free up hospital beds and other healthcare resources
3. Simple Techniques Learned in MOA Training Can Cut the Number of HAIs
Another reason aseptic techniques are important is because they have a huge impact, but often take very little effort. For example, during your MOA training you’ll learn about how to use an autoclave, which is a machine that can sterilize medical equipment. You’ll also learn about protocols and standards for handling human samples, which can go a long way towards stemming the spread of germs and disease.
Additionally, you’ll also learn about proper hand-washing techniques. While hand-washing is considered a clean technique rather than an aseptic technique since it reduces but doesn’t eliminate microorganisms, it is still hugely important in combating HAIs. Hand-washing is quick and easy, and it is considered the single most effective way of preventing the spread of infections.
Do you want to pursue career training in healthcare?
Contact Medix College to learn more about our programs.